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<p>základní příručka pro učitele, kteří si chtějí připravit a zajistit účinné gramatické lekce. Kniha kombinuje komplexní znalosti gramatiky s praktickými radami pro výuku, ukazuje učitelům, jak uchopit gramatické jevy a prezentovat je... Popis:Description: Teaching English Grammar is the essential handbook for teachers wanting to prepare and deliver effective grammar lessons. It combines a comprehensive grammar reference with practical teaching advice, helping teachers to both understand grammar points and present them. Every trainee teacher and language school staff room should have a copy of this book.Who is it for?• Teacher trainers and trainee teachers on courses such as the Cambridge CELTA and Trinity Certificate in TESOL• Newly qualified teachers who need to teach grammar in their classes, and are looking for support and ideas</p>