Domů Filmy, knihy, hry E-book elektronické knihy Ruy Blas - Victor Hugo - e-kniha

Ruy Blas - Victor Hugo - e-kniha

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Výrobce Saga Egmont
194 Kč
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eBook: The play \"Ruy Blas\" explores the life of an ordinary poet and servant, Ruy Blas, who has secretly fallen in love with the Queen of Spain. His master plots revenge against the unfit king Charles II, and Ruy finds himself in the middle of political intrigues, murders, and sinister machinations. Hugo\'s strength lies in the dramatic portrayal of the characters, as Ruy stands for the oppressed and low-standing members of society. A fast-paced and intricate, \"Ruy Blas\" is a tale about struggling and aspiring people, fighting for their future and against injustice.