Domů Dětské zboží Hračky Puzzle Puzzle Život dílků

Puzzle Život dílků

Výrobce Larsen
EAN 7023852108444
od 80 Kč

1 varianta
Puzzle MAXI - Život u moře/48 dílků
178 Kč
1 varianta
Puzzle MAXI - Život u moře/48 dílků, 2. vydání - Larsen
80 Kč
1 varianta
Puzzle Život u moře 48 dílků
159 Kč

Popis produktu

<p>"Starfish, Butterfish, Common Gull, Dab, found on the seaside next to the crab. Barnacles and shells, laying amongst the rocks, children catching hermit crabs, on the sand with no socks! Bladderwrack, Mussel, Goby, and Shrimp, laying on the beach looking tasty but limp. Oystercatcher and common tern, flying through the sky, ringed plover heading down as lunch catches his eye!" On this bright, breezy and beautiful day, what will you catch at the seaside? 24 large, curved edged pieces surround the outer frame. They consist of different species of fish, birds, insects, and flowers. They include most of the common species children will find in nature and will be able to identify. The illustration in the middle features a girl and a boy on the beach with a net and a bucket. An oystercatcher flying through the sky. Starfish, common sea urchin, common limpet, common mussel, lay on the rocks. 24 interlocking style pieces are featured in the centre of the puzzle. This puzzle is best suited towards slightly younger children and encourages hand and eye coordination skills.</p> <p>with 48 pieces</p>


Jazyk Česky
Rok vydání 2020
Vazba vázaná
Výrobce Larsen