Domů Filmy, knihy, hry E-book elektronické knihy Lafayette We Are Here! - Jean-Michel Steg - e-kniha

Lafayette We Are Here! - Jean-Michel Steg - e-kniha

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Výrobce Saga Egmont
210 Kč
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eBook: 6th June 1918 saw more American soldiers fall on French soil than the famous 1944 D-Day landings. Why is this fact so little known?As well as providing a detailed account of this funereal episode, Lafayette We Are Here! looks at the reasons behind American involvement in what was primarily a European conflict. Why did a neutral government in 1914, driven by a largely pacifist population, end up joining the Allies in 1917?In this third instalment of his trilogy concerning the deadliest days of the First World War, Jean-Michel Steg investigates a cataclysmic battle for the American Marines in a small wood in northern France and presents an informative and accessible overview of the military strategy and geopolitical context.